4 Steps to go from Frustrated to Flow

4 Steps to go from Frustrated to Flow

Ever been so frustrated with a situation in your life and you finally hit a breakthrough? You felt like you've learned a HUGE life lesson and it was so incredibly valuable it seemed as though you hit the jackpot? You want to tell your friends, family and even co-workers so they don't make the same mistake.

That's how I'm feeling today and I can't wait to share this life lesson with you. Usually these lessons are learned the hard way (as mine typically are). Over and over again, until one day you wake up and think, "Duh! Why didn't I do this sooner?" They can be filled with frustration, anger, resentment and confusion creating a sense of stuckness. In those times, I've found being gentle, compassionate and coming from a loving space is truly what's needed to get back into a flow.

Instead of PUSHING to find the answer, relaxing and EMBRACING in a space of divine rest is really what's needed to allow your inner spirit to awaken and revive your outer world. You can choose to see that everything is working out in your favor and surrender to the feelings, don't fight them. Don't be afraid of acknowledging what you're feeling because when you do that, you are giving yourself the love and care you truly need. The gift of allowing myself to surrender brings in feelings of…And let me tell you what that feels like…

There are chills down my back writing those two words. These words are the feelings I crave and set my intentions to. They are the essence of my values and the ideals I use to set my goals. These words are how I want to feel on a daily basis

In service to you, I'm sharing a tool that you can use when you're feeling frustrated or stuck. It helps you to reframe those feelings and transform them into joy and freedom (or whatever feelings you desire to embody). Once you get into the groove of using these 4 steps, you'll be able to use them on the spot to find clarity and get back into a feeling of flow. Say it with me, "I am never stuck! I am taking a moment of divine R.E.S.T."

  • Reflect

  • Exhale

  • Surrender

  • Transform

I am releasing fear. I am releasing what no longer serves me. I am strengthening my voice and inner wisdom. I am releasing control.

Step 1

Reflect. Look back on what you’ve been doing. Ask yourself, “Are the actions I have taken getting me where I want to go? Do they serve my highest self?”

Step 2

Exhale. Release attachment to what isn’t serving you, so you can begin to breathe in new life. Allow yourself to let out the breath that you've been holding in for so long.

Step 3

Surrender. Allow yourself to be present in the moment. Listen to your inner wisdom and intuition, and trust in yourself and your ability to create positive forward motion. Find serenity in the stillness.

Step 4

Transform. Take the next best step your intuition is guiding you toward to allow yourself to get back into your flow.

YOU deserve to come into alignment, to believe in yourself and your intuition.YOU are allowed to say “no” to things you don’t want and “yes” to what serves your soul’s purpose. YOU are here to create, to let your song out, to give your gifts to the world so that others can dance to the music. Vibe ON. Vibe HIGH. If it resonates, that’s all that matters.

Try out the simple 4-step R.E.S.T process next time you are feeling frustration bubble up and, if you feel called, let us know, in the comments below, how it felt for you.


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